Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja’s most-awaited intense and unique action thriller Eagle directed by Karthik Gattamaneni under Tollywood’s leading production house People Media Factory is gearing up for Sankranti release. The previously released glimpse that showed various shades of Ravi Teja went viral. They kick-started the promotions by unveiling the film’s teaser.
The teaser opens with a powerful voiceover of Ravi Teja, giving a stern warning. “Kondalo Lavani Kindaki Pilavaku… Ooru Undadu…Nee Uniki Undadu…” says he. The visuals show the destruction caused by the protagonist who is a myth to the public and a story hidden by governments. Finally, Ravi Teja is introduced and it’s no less an astonishment to see various avatars of him.
Karthik Ghattamaneni who is one of the finest cinematographers showed his expertise in direction with his spectacular taking. The premise looks promising, and so is the narrative. The camera blocks captured by Karthik, alongside, Kamil Plocki, and Karm Chawla are highly impressive. The thumping score by Davzand took the visuals to another level. Produced by TG Vishwa Prasad with Vivek Kuchibhotla as the co-producer, the production values of People Media Factory are majestic. Production designer Srinagendra Tangala’s masterwork is evident in the video.
Ravi Teja makes his appearance towards the end of the clip, yet he makes his presence all through. The Mass Maharaja offered a mass massacre with his multiple get-ups, shades, and intense screen presence. The conversation between Anupama Parameswaran and Srinivas Avasarala, and Navdeep’s words give more elevation to Ravi Teja’s character. Vinay Rai is fearful as the deadly villain. Kavya Thapar is the other heroine, wherein Madhubala will be seen in a crucial role.
Written, directed, and edited by Karthik Gattamneni, the movie has a screenplay written by the director himself, alongside Manibabu Karanam. The dialogues are provided by Manibabu Karanam.
The teaser of this Pan India film is loaded with mass stuff that heightens the overall hype of the movie.
The makers yet again clarified that Eagle will arrive in cinemas in all south Indian languages and Hindi on January 13th for Sankranthi, 2024.