Sensible director Srikanth Addala is presently making a new-age political thriller Peddha Kapu-1. Miryala Ravinder Reddy of Dwaraka Creations who delivered the massive blockbuster Akhanda is producing the movie. This movie features debutant Virat Karrna playing the lead. Pragathi Srivastava is the leading lady.
The makers today announced to release Peddha Kapu-1 on September 29th. It’s a perfect date given, there is a huge competition during the Dussehra festival. Gandhi Jayanthi holiday on Monday will be a big benefit for the movie. The release date poster presents Virat in an action-packed look. This poster is from an action sequence as the protagonist and others can be seen with weapons in their hands.
The makers who earlier released a teaser and a song that received a thumping response are planning to intensify the promotions in the coming days.
Peddha Kapu-1 is a film based on oppression and confrontation. The character arc of the protagonist is presented brilliantly from a common man to his battle against two powerful forces in the teaser.
Chota K Naidu handles the cinematography, wherein Mickey J Meyer provides the music. Miryala Sathyanarayana Reddy presents the movie, while Marthand K Venkatesh is the editor. India’s leading action director Peter Heins supervises fights and Raju Sundaram is the choreographer.
Cast: Virat Karrna, Pragathi Srivastava, Rao Ramesh, Naga Babu, Tanikella Bharani, Brigada Saga, Rajeev Kanakala, Anusuya, Eeshwari Rao, Naren, and others.
Technical Crew:
Writer, Director: Srikanth Addala
Producer: Miryala Ravinder Reddy
Banner: Dwaraka Creations
Presents: Miryala Sathyanarayana Reddy
Music – Mickey J Meyer
DOP – Chota K Naidu
Editor – Marthand K Venkatesh
Fights: Peter Heins
Choreographer – Raju Sundaram
Art – GM Sekhar
PRO: Vamsi-Shekar