Although the police arrest and prosecute the perpetrators of sexual violence, the perpetrators are brutally murdered. The police arrest the auto driver Nayagan Vimal who is responsible for this murder. However, the court acquits Vimala due to lack of sufficient evidence. Who is that person who continues to stage such murders and punishes the criminals cruelly? Is Vimal connected to those murders? Isn’t it? That is the rest of the story of ‘Kulasamy’.
Vimal, who impressed people by playing normal roles, has acted in an action film for the first time. But the fact that he is now acting in an action film that was supposed to be in the 1980s is a big disappointment to the fans. As far as acting is concerned, Vimal has done the job given to him flawlessly.
Although Tanya Hope, who plays the heroine, is a character who travels with the story, she is only used as a roommate.
Keerthana who plays the younger sister of Vimal, Vinodini who plays the role of a college professor, Bose Venkat who plays the role of a police officer and Surya who plays the villain in the film have done their job well.
Although cinematographer wide angle Ravi Shankar has followed the story, he could have avoided shooting the sequences of the film in a serial manner where the emphasis is on action scenes.
V.M.Mahalingam’s music has only one song to listen to, but it is old. There is too much noise in the name of background music and they do not help the visuals in any way.
Filmmaker Gopi Krishna, who has composed the scenes in a hero-centric action film without giving importance to the hero, has worked to make the fans guess the main suspense of the story at the very beginning of the film.
Actor Vijay Sethupathi has penned the dialogue. But none of his verses are memorable.
Director ‘Kutty Puli’ Saravanashakti, who has emphatically recorded the opinion that cruel death penalty is more correct than giving legal punishment to the criminals involved in sexual violence, has tried to give it as an action film that people will enjoy.
Director Saravanashakti, who has made the screenplay based on the incidents of sexual violence in Tamil Nadu, has failed to film it properly. Especially an action film and that too a suspenseful action film shot like a TV serial is a major weakness of the film.
Fans would have celebrated ‘Kulasamy’ if director Saravanashakti, who has focused on creating a screenplay based on true incidents, had paid more attention to the making of the film.
All in all, ‘Kulaswamy’ didn’t just kill criminals.