Sakuntala, who was conceived by Sage Vishwamitra after Menakai, grows up as the daughter of Kanva Maharishi in his ashram. Then King Dushyantha, while coming to the ashram, meets Shakuntala. The two fall in love at first sight and become close friends. Meanwhile, Dushyanthan decides to go to the palace and leaves telling Sakuntala that he will come back soon.
In this situation, Shakuntala goes to the palace in search of her lover Dushyantha to get pregnant. But the king there, Dushyanda, who is Shakuntala to him? He also turns back to insult her by saying that she doesn’t know. Why did Dushyandan say that?, did they get back together? Isn’t it? That is the rest of the story of the movie ‘Sagunthalam’.
Samantha, who is playing the role of Sakuntala, melts the viewers with her perfect performance in the role of Uruki Uruki in love. He has done his job very well, having acted very strongly in several scenes, including the one where he fights back against the humiliation he has been subjected to.
Dev Mohan, who plays the king Dushyanthan, has the majesty of the king. His magnificence in acting also captivates his fans.
Many stars including Sachin Khedekar, Mohan Babu, Aditi Balan, Ananya Nagalla, Prakash Raj, Gauthami, Madhu, Kabir Bedi have done their job well but they look like actors but refuse to impress as characters.
Cinematography by Shekhar V.Joseph and the scenes mixed with graphics are refreshing to the eyes.
Manisarma’s music, though the songs are quite modest, the background score seems to recall the mythological period.
While Gunasekar, who has directed the film, has enjoyed the grand presentation of the mythological story with modern technology, the pace of the screenplay and the lag in the visual designs are the film’s biggest weaknesses.
All in all, even though Uruki falls in love with Uruki, ‘Sagunthalam’ doesn’t affect the fans much.