Actor Krishna as a producer on behalf of Tribal Horse Entertainment had produced the web series titled ‘Jhansi’, directed by Thiru, featuring Anjali in the lead role. The series premiered on Disney+ Hotstar and witnessed an excellent response. Following the grand success, the recently premiered second season has witnessed phenomenal reception among the fans. Marking this special occasion, the crewmembers of ‘Jhansi’ interacted with the press and media.
Actor-Producer Krishna said, “Jhansi Season 1 witnessed an incredulously huge response in Tamil, Telugu, and Hindi. I strongly believe, the second season is going to be a great success. Personally, I like Season 2 a lot more than Season 1. Thiru has done a fabulous job. Actress Anjali had a high fever during the shoot, but she completed the entire shoot without taking any breaks. Initially, we planned to complete the entire shoot in 6 months, but it took 2 years to wrap up the entire project. I assure you all that Jhansi 3 will get materialized soon. I request you all to extend your support as same you did for both seasons.”
Director Thiru said, “Season one was a great success. Disney+ Hotstar informed us that the series witnessed a lovely response in the Hindi version. Initially, I was a little reluctant to shoot the second season, and the great reception for the first season alone motivated us to get season 2 materialized. Although we have shot the entire series in Telugu, we have made sure that it appeals to the interests of Tamil audiences as well. I thank Anjali, Chandini, and all the actors for their support and cooperation. I thank my entire team. I request you all to support this season just like you did for the first season.”
Cinematographer Aravind said, “Usually web series would comprise more drama, but this one had lots of action sequences. It was a huge challenge to shoot them. I thank the actors and technicians for being a great support in filming them.”
Actor Suresh Chakravarthy said, “Now Content has become the King. The first time, I joined the shoot was a huge set of work erected at Goa. I was awestruck and mentioned that it looks like a grand set works for a movie. I was astonished looking at the production value. They took care of me with great hospitality. Actress Anjali’s hard work for action sequences is praiseworthy. Director Thiru filmed this entire season in grandeur, just like a big-budgeted movie. It’s great to see a series made in one language, and getting released in various regional languages. I request you all to help this series have a good reach among the fans and audiences.”
Kazhugu fame filmmaker Sathya Siva said, “Women are constantly lots of challenges and issues in today’s society. This series intensely speaks about how women should battle all such odds. The series has been shot in challenging locations, and the crew has accomplished filming them with their sincere efforts. We can experience the grandeur by looking at the top-notch visuals indeed. Both cinematography and editing are terrific. Season 2 has witnessed a great response, and I strongly believe Season 3 will have a tremendous reception as well.”
Jhansi features Anjali and Chandini Chowdary in the titular characters and others in the star cast include Mumaith Khan, Kalyan Master, Raj Arjun, Saranya R, Samyuktha Hornad, and many prominent actors. Aravind (Pandigai and Dikkiloona fame) is handling cinematography. Yannick Ben has choreographed the action sequences. He conquered the attention of audiences on global panorama with his jaw-dropping action sequences in The Family Man web series.