The moment it was announced that actor Nithin Sathya is turning into a producer with actor Jai playing the lead, there has been fair amount of anticipation and curiosity about the title of the movie. Nithin Sathya has broke all the name games and has announced the title as ‘Jarugandi’
Speaking about this Nithin Sathya says, “ Me and director Pichumani wanted a title that not only suits the script perfectly but also has a recall value and catchy. ‘Jarugandi’ ticks all the boxes perfectly. The word enjoys popularity throughout the country and makes it a sure shot winner. The script is fun and action mixed roller-coaster to the core. Jai is up on the radar as we all could see. His line up of films speaks about his potentiality. Jarugandi will change gears for him. Introducing Reba Jon whom many predict as the next big arrival plays the female lead . Robo shankar, Danny, “Siruthai” Amith, Ilavarasu, Mime Gopi firm the fulcrum of the star cast.
Bobo Sashi as the music director. K L Praveen is the editor, Remiyan is the art director, while Ajay Raj handles the choreography This script is not a push over and Director Pichumani is all set to prove the audience on why he is rated so high even before he could start the film. The energy and the synergy has been very positive and strong” .
This movie is produced by Nithin Sathya and Mr. Badri Kasturi under their banners of ‘Shvedh’ and shradda entertainment respectively.