‘Ulkuthu’ starring Dinesh and Nandhita is directed by Caarthick Raju, who earlier delivered the hit ‘ Thirudan police’ with Dinesh. This movie brings together the hit pair of Dinesh and Nanditha for the second time after ‘Attakathi’. This venture is produced by G Vittal Kumar and G Subhashini Devi of ‘P K Film Factory’. Now the producers have announced that ‘Ulkuthu’ will be released next month, December in a grand way.
Mr.Vittal Kumar says, “ The reception for content oriented movies have been amazing in Tamil cinema industry. The recent instances of content oriented films hitting the bulls eye is a welcome sign. We sense this as a right time to release “Ullkuthu”.
The story and screenplay of ‘Ulkuthu’ is so interestingly written and shot by director Caarthick Raju. Dinesh , who is known to be choosy in selecting scripts has delivered a stellar performance. There is also a positive buzz for ‘Ulkuthu’ in the trade circle. We are excited and thrilled to release the movie in December. I am sure the audience will enjoy and appreciate ‘Ulkuthu’ immensely “.