Telugu Actress Jayasudha’s niece and actress Subhashini’s daughter Pooja Priyanka entered into wedlock with Akella Chandra Sekhar on August 12th. Jayasudha Sister Daughter Pooja Priyanka Wedding Reception at Marriot Hotel, Hyderabad. Kiran Kumar Reddy, D.Ramanaidu, ANR, Nagajuna, Balakrishna, Allu Aravind, Lakshmi Prasanna with her husband Andy Srinivasan, K.Raghavendra Rao, Jaya Prada, Bindu Madhavi, Krishna, Vijaya Nirmala, K.Atchi Reddy, Krishnam Raju, Chandrababu Naidu, Roja, Sai Kumar, Dil Raju and others graced the event.