The 13th GR8! Women Awards 2014 were held in Hyderabad at the Park Hyatt Hotel on Sunday, March 23. The Gr8! Women Awards have been successfully presented in Mumbai for the past 12 years by Anu and Shashi Ranjan, as a charitable initiative for ‘BETI’ (Anu Ranjan’s initiative for the girl child). Sridevi, Tamanna, Adah Sharma, Shriya Saran, Harika (Payal Ghosh), Sunita Rana, Sanjana, Madhavi Latha, Manchu Lakshmi Prasanna,T. Subbarami Reddy, Mohan Babu, Pinky Reddy, Saina Nehwal, MM Srilekha, P.Susheela, Reshma graced the event.