Madhan Karky’s ‘Chol Agaraadhi’-Mobile App

Madhan Karky New Initiative Chol Agaraadhi Mobile App A Tamil English Dictionary
Karky Research Foundation (KaReFo) has been working on Tamil computing and language literacy research for the past six years. They have launched ‘Chol Agaraadhi’, a mobile app for Android and Apple devices.

The dictionary app contains 4.25 lakh words, comprising of words from sangam literature, words from different dialects and modern technical words that can be searched both in Tamil and English.

The dictionary app offers features such as similar words, word definitions, simple usable examples, related words, word popularity, pleasantness and also provides pictures and pronunciation audio for high frequency words. The app can be used to convert 16 digit numerals to their equivalent Tamil and English word forms.

Law, farming, politics, information technology, mathematics, chemistry, geography, physics, and biology are a few of the 40 categories into which the words are classified.

Every day, new words, definitions and examples are being added to this dictionary. ‘Chol Agaraadhi’ is a free app and does not have advertisements or in-app purchases. The objective of the foundation is to take this app to the hands of every Tamil person and Tamil learner all over the world.

The app can be installed on Android and iOS devices via
Karky Research Foundation Launches Chol Agaraadhi Mobile App